Saturate Yourself in the Winter Crone’s Wisdom

Happy New Year! If this is not your most high energy time to strategically map out an abundant year, you are not alone.

It's okay to not have resolutions for 2022.
It's okay if you're body isn't in a goal-crushing place.
The medicine of winter is DEEP rest, hygge, coziness.
The wisdom of the Crone (this seasonal archetype) is regeneration, sleep, healing, darkness, and silence.

"New Year - New You" isn't exactly in alignment with these divine feminine gifts. Besides you are worthy NOW. You are enough.

Here's my resolution: Listen to my body more. Courageously tend to my nervous system more. Set less goals and put fewer expectations on my days.

I can be trusted with a day, a week a month, a whole year. And so can you.

The Winter goddess or seasonal archetype is the Crone. She is the Callieach, the Elder Self, the Wise Sage Woman. Her witch hut sits just on the edge of the forest - beyond the village. She beckons you in to sit by her fire, drink from her cauldron the good things she has brewed up for you. She banishes patriarchal capitalism and demands rest - much like the season of the dark moon or the days you bleed during menstruation.

Here are my tips for saturating yourself in Crone Wisdom this winter. If you don’t know who the Winter Goddess is, check out my Self-Love Sermon on her here!

How to open & receive Crone medicine this winter:

  1. Rest and be still

    • Practice yoga nidra & yin yoga

    • Massage yourself with your favorite essential oils

    • Trust your body’s knowing

    • Catch up on sleep, take naps during the day

    • Devote yourself to silence for a day

    • Increase your silent meditation practice

  2. Set boundaries

    • Consider scheduling “Do Not Disturb” for your phone and using greyscale mode (or even hide it from yourself)

    • Block your calendar with lots of extra self-care hours - plan ahead for entire evenings, mornings, weekends dedicated to doing nothing

    • Practice saying no - and remember it’s not your job to make other people understand why

  3. Surrender to the void

    • Journal or craft as you are inspired

    • Visualize conversations with your future self (here is my meditation to help)

    • Record visions you receive from your Muse/guides

    • Create a Crone altar with images of the Cailleach, clear quartz, a gnarled wooden staff, antlers, evergreen boughs, or other seasonal symbols

  4. Create a cozy, hygge-filled home

    • Light lots of fires (or burn candles)

    • Keep the lighting low, especially once the sun sets

    • Constantly have a mug of something hot in your hands

    • Learn to knit, gather a stack of books from your local library, put a stew in the crock pot - anything to encourage you to get off your feet and do nothing!

I would love to hear from you! Share in the comments below: Which Crone practices resonated the most with your spirit? What is missing from this list that you like to lean into this winter season to regulate your nervous system?

For more Crone/Winter medicine, check out these related posts:

Big Love,


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