a 12-week one-on-one coaching journey

Sound familiar?

  • "I am sick and tired of feeling run down, burned out, and unworthy."

  • "I don't trust myself, my abilities, my needs, or my desires."

  • "I don't even know what I want, let alone how to ask for it."

  • "My life isn’t turning out the way I thought it would, because I’ve copy/pasted someone else’s roadmap for success over my own intuitive knowing."

And yet…

  • A small voice whispers, “You are enough and then some. You are worthy of your wildest dreams."

That voice is…

  • Your soulmate, the part of you that knows where your heart truly longs to go and how to get there.

  • The antidote for the inner critic (internalized shame and scarcity culture) which tells you that you will never belong.

  • Holding all the answers to your burning questions, and the dissonance between who the world wants you to be and who you know yourself to be!




You already have everything you need to become your own soulmate. Your higher self has been lying dormant for far too long, leaving the fear-based ego to run the show (you know… the one that tells you to play it safe, stay small, take up less room).

You were cut off from this deep inner knowing at an early age. You were taught that you need saving, that your only value is what you can produce or how you look, that your body is shameful, and what you desire can’t be trusted.

This is not your fault. But now it is your choice to come home to your own worthiness, sovereignty, and divinity.



I help folks cultivate, trust, and act on that small inner voice of intuition. Together, we feed it with self-care, belonging, and brave leaps of self-trust.

I am a certified wellness coach, international meditation teacher, yoga teacher, doula, and divine feminine guide. I am the expert in excavating the many layers of conditioning to help you meet (and fall madly in love with) yourself!

Become Your Own Soulmate is the container to unleash your intuition and finally start living from your worthiness, sovereignty, and divinity.

It’s not just about our weekly sessions (not to mention the 100+ page workbook and hours of meditation guidance) - I am your champion, your space holder, your cheerleader, and partner for the quarter of a year we’ll spend together. This is by far the most access and ongoing coaching I offer! And I do it because the breakthroughs, lessons, and realizations are going to come when you least expect them. You do not have to go it alone.


I’m so glad you’re here!

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I became my own soulmate years ago, and it changed everything. I used to hate myself - my body, my abilities, my desires - nothing ever felt like enough. Once I stopped looking outside of myself for answers, and courageously began to instead trust myself, the results were truly life-changing. I quit my job, moved across the country, and threw myself into learning more about healing, meditation, coaching, and spirituality.

Today I run my own business from the comfort of my home, with my dog Luna by my side. I lead virtual retreats, workshops, and teach on everything from menstrual cycle awareness to meditation 101. Best of all, I love myself more than ever, and live a life devoted to the Divine Feminine power coursing through me.

Now I get to guide folks home to become their own soulmate - truly the honor of my life. We would love to have you join this community of folks who have claimed this soulmate status for themselves!


In my signature one-on-one coaching program, I will guide you through the twisty caverns of your inner life. Together, we will challenge the inner critics, imposter syndrome, and fear-based ego. We will co-create custom self-care practices that speak to your unique needs. I never tell you what you have to do. I hold space and challenge you with powerful, curious questions that guide you to reveal your own intuitive wisdom. I then hold you accountable to follow through on what you've revealed and committed to, unpacking the maximum wisdom along the way.

What You’ll Get…

  • 12 workbooks with journal prompts & trackers

  • 12 weekly training audio lessons

  • Choose from 3, 6, or 12 1:1 coaching sessions with Ellen

  • 15 guided meditations, inlcuding 3 custom made just for you!


 Listen to what Kaitlin has to say…

Become Your Own Soulmate is not to be passed by! Before participating in this program, I underestimated the importance of my relationship with myself. I often neglected and tried to avoid my emotions, desires, and fears in order to not show weakness. I struggled with internalized capitalism and was unfulfilled in my career. I knew I needed to change my ways, and I’m so happy I found Ellen, who helped me do just that!
— Kaitlin


 Part 1: Balance

Week 1 - Goals & Intentions

  • Design the Alliance
  • Set Goals for the Journey
  • Define Your Values
  • Meet Your Future Self

Week 2- Time

  • Wheel of Life
  • Understand Time’s Relationship to Your Values and Goals
  • Track Your Time

Week 3 - Energy & Purpose

  • Discover Your Energy Pyramid
  • Define Your Purpose
  • Craft Your Mission Statement

Week 4 - Plan

  • Create Long and Short-Term Plans
  • Set SMART Goals

Part 2: Ritual

Week 5 - Self-Care

  • Discover How Self-Care Can Support Your Goals
  • Craft Your Morning and Evening Rituals

Week 6 - Habits, Motivation, & Resilience

  • Learn the Anatomy of a Habit
  • Discover Your Core Motivation Style/Enneagram Type

Week 7 - Self-Care Deep-Dive

  • Go Deeper on One Self-Care Trouble Spot
  • Create a Revised Self-Care Action Plan

Part 3: Healing

Week 8 - The Mind

  • Recognize Self-Talk Without Judgment
  • Become the Observer of Your Thoughts
  • Discover How Your Self-Talk Affects Your Energy

Week 9 - The Body

  • Tell Your Body’s Story
  • Explore the Body as a Gateway to Self-Love

Week 10 - The Spirit

  • Set Spiritual/Connection Goals
  • Explore What Spirit Means to You and How to Care For It
  • Play with Ritual, Altars, and Archetypes
  • Connect with Ancestors, Spirit Guides, Mama Earth, the Divine

Week 11 - Soulmate

  • Review Balance, Routine, and Healing
  • Integrate Your Self-Care Plan
  • Embody Your Soulmate in a Soulmate Ceremony

Week 12 - Sustain

  • Set Your Post-Program Intentions
  • Create Your Maintenance Plan
  • Reflect on Your Journey
  • Celebrate Your Growth

 Hear Rose’s story…

When I came to Ellen I was holding on to low self worth and the feeling that I won’t be good enough. In working with Ellen, she really helped shift my perspective completely to being more confident, loving myself inside and out. Her energy is so uplifting and I looked forward to every session we had to together. She is empathetic, understanding, wise and you really feel that she is 100% listening to you the whole time. I am so happy I found her, she is a gem! I now feel very much in my worth, pushing forward in my career, working with my inner critic and believing in the energetics of the universe. You will not be disappointed!!!
— Rose

“I have noticed a huge shift in my self-care practice, and in how I relate to myself overall since participating in BYOSM. I learned more positive, aligned habits to better care for myself, while shifting my underlying intention to one of self-compassion and grace. Ellen provides a supportive, loving container in which you can safely explore core beliefs, motivations, and behaviors that may not be serving you. I will carry all that I learned over these twelve weeks forward in continuing to foster self-growth, and look forward to remaining a member of this community!”

— BYOSM Participant


 Check out Cindi’s life-changing experience…

As a working mother, I typically come last in my list of priorities. I’m sure this is true for many of us. By going through BYOSM, I learned how to shuffle priorities so I can experience more fulfillment and enjoy my life fully. The program was just for me, and gave me space, time, and resources to reflect on who I am, who I want to become, and how I interact with my loved ones. I am better in all aspects of my life for having gone through this program!
— Cindi


How does life coaching compare to therapy, consulting, or just talking to a friend?

Life coaching is a partnership with a professional space holder and accountability partner. I am a trained wellness coach, specializing in asking powerful questions to help my clients unlock their intuition and hidden answers. Unlike therapy, which is essential and can sometimes focus on how the past has shaped a person up to the present, coaching meets the client where they are to strategize around current problems and future goals. If you’re looking for an expert to give you advice about a specific problem, you would hire a consultant. A coach is different, because they begin with the notion that the client is the expert in their own life - only you know how you operate, how your beautiful brain works, and what strategies will really work for you. Friends are wonderful, but they usually only listen on a surface level. Have you ever poured your heart out to your best friend, only to find they try to fix your problems instead of hold space, and insert themselves into your story, rather than try to understand what it means for you? There is nothing wrong with this - we all do it! But coaches are trained to listen deeply. I put myself in my client’s shoes and get super curious about how it must feel to be them. Then, instead of offering solutions, I guide them on a journey to solving it while learning a lot about themselves along the way. As we partner together over 12 weeks, I hold them accountable to their deepest dreams.

What’s the difference between self-care and Divine Feminine Self-Love?

Self-care is the radical act of prioritizing your well-being. It requires slowing down to a pause and asking your highest Self what you truly need, and then doing it! Sadly, our capitalist culture has really highjacked this beautiful concept, and made this concept feel unaccessible for many. Divine Feminine Self-Love is the shameless claiming of rest, pleasure, and community! It's witnessing the feminine cycles of nature (the 4 seasons, the moon phases) within your own body, accepting and honoring your ebbing as well as your flowing. It's divesting from patriarchy that says you're too much and capitalism that says you're not enough, and instead living from a place of sacred self-authority. It is a lifelong process, and you don't have to do it alone!

How do our sessions together work?

Once you choose between 3, 6, and 12 coaching sessions on the payment page, you will receive a link to book your sessions. If 3 sessions, please schedule 1 per month. If 6 sessions, please schedule 2 per month or biweekly. If 12 sessions, please aim for around the same time each week. You will receive a calendar invite, each with a secure custom Zoom link. Video on is preferred for our sessions, so we can see each other. However, if you prefer voice-only after our first session, that is perfectly acceptable!
During our sessions, I will always start with a check-in: How are you REALLY feeling right now? Then, I will ask how you would like to spend your time and what you would like to get out of it. The weekly curriculum is always there as a guide for our sessions, however if you would rather discuss a sudden relationship change or career opportunity, or ANYTHING ELSE, that is up to you! It's up to me to makes sure we meet your goals for the session, and you leave feeling the way you want to feel.
At the end of the hour, we will recap your learning for the session and I will ask you, "What are you hoping for the week ahead?" Setting small, achievable intentions can help guide and frame your week, and I will check-in with you mid-week to see how it's going! After our sessions, I will always send you my detailed notes via email for you to return to any time you wish.

What’s the time commitment for Become Your Own Soulmate?

Coaching calls are 1 hour long. The weekly workbook and guided meditations are optional, but you should plan to dedicate at least 1 additional hour each week to unpack all you are learning. If you wish to take it even futher and commit to your own custom self-care ritual over the course of the 12 weeks (highly recommended), this time commitment will increase, but it's never a requirement.

Will I have access to Ellen between sessions?

YES! The best part about Become Your Own Soulmate is unlimited access to Ellen between sessions. You may either email or text Ellen between sessions - sending any questions, insights, or ideas for future sessions to keep everything organized! Please understand that - while you can message Ellen anytime - she may not respond on weekends or outside of weekly biz hours (9am - 5pm). Otherwise, you can expect pretty immediate responses!

What if I don’t consider myself a spiritual person - is this program still for me?

ABSOLUTELY! As you can see in the weekly curriculum, The Spirit is the theme for week 10. You can replace the word "Spirit" with "Connection" and use this week to reflect on any connections that matter to you. And if you’re interested in exploring your spirituality, we can work on that together. If you have zero interest in spirituality, but are meditation-curious, I can recommend secular guided meditations for you to begin your journey. Finally, if both spirituality and meditation are just NOT your thing, this program is still for you. The weekly meditations are completely optional, and we can explore other self-care rituals that resonate!

What kind of results can I expect?

You can expect to experience the power of your intuition, possibly for the first time. You can expect to cultivate self-trust that will carry you for the rest of your life, if you care for it. You can expect to randomly look in the mirror and smile. You can expect to take more risks at work, in love, and with creative pursuits as a result of this self-trust. You can expect to see synchronicities and bread crumbs from your Future Self everywhere! You can expect to feel more fulfilled, more purposeful, and more vibrant as you experience the magic of becoming your own soulmate! Clients who have gone through the program have experienced a long-awaited pregnancy coming through, relationship shifts, job transitions, cross-country moves, and so much more!

Is there a payment plan available?

Yes! Please email Ellen if you need a 3 month payment plan for any of the options, or a 6 month payment plan for the 12 week option.

Are there scholarships or discounts available?

Full and partial scholarships available for folks experiencing financial hardship. Please get in touch with Ellen to apply (ellen@ellengilbert.com).

How does the application process work?

Become your own soulmate is currently enrolling on an ongoing basis.

What People Are Saying

I have so many takeaways from Become Your Own Soul Mate! I truly learned how to recognize my worthiness and become more confident. I also took away skills and tools to help with my inner critic and manage my self-doubt. I learned that you need compassion for yourself and not to diminish or compare your suffering, or struggles with others. I learned to set intentions and create mantras to uplift me. I learned to appreciate how I got to the present and to how to love myself.

— Danielle

As a non-woo woo person, Ellen makes woo-woo in practice more realistic. The meditations are great because you can ALWAYS go back to them as a resource and you know they were made for you. I got so much more out of this program than I was expecting. I initially was just in a really bad place at work, in a new city, in the middle of a global pandemic, and just needed something to start pulling myself out of my funk. Become Your Own Soul Mate really did that and so much more. I can tell I am way less judgmental of myself than I was even before the pandemic.

— Bethany

I know investing in your growth can be scary. Maybe you’re currently working with a therapist, investing in body work, paying for wellness subscriptions, and you’re not sure you can swing another financial commitment.

Become Your Own Soulmate is different. The solutions come from YOU. They are sustainable because they are customized to your life. When you couple your inner power with the power of a trained coach with years of experience in space and accountability holding, you see results FAST. Prepare to see synchronicities everywhere, to begin getting messages from your Future Self, and watch the Inner Critic ebb more than it flows.

Become Your Own Soulmate is for you if…

  • You can’t get rid of this hunch that your most important relationship (the one with yourself) is the key to unlocking your best life

  • Deep down, you know you were meant for more - you’re just not sure what that is yet

  • You have a sneaky suspicion that your day-to-day life could be filled with more ease… instead of more hustle

  • You are sick and tired of being told who you are and what you should strive for by the media, comparison mindset, and your inner critics

  • You’re ready to do the work, challenge your self-talk, commit to self-care, and be coached by a Divine Feminine Self-Love expert

Become Your Own Soulmate is not for you if…

  • You’re waiting for someone else to do the hard work for you

  • You’re not willing to let go of toxic, limiting beliefs that have gotten you this far

  • You doubt there is any magic or wisdom lying dormant within you

  • You’re afraid of accountability, but more than that - you’re afraid of your deepest desires being brought to the surface

 More client messages…


You will receive…

  • Choose from 3, 6, or 12 1-hour individual coaching sessions with Ellen

  • 15 guided meditations

  • 3 custom-made guided meditations, just for you

  • 12 workbooks with journal prompts & trackers

  • 12 weekly audio lessons

  • Unlimited access to your coach

  • Mid-week check-in texts and voice memos

  • Post-session notes received within 1 hour of coaching sessions


You deserve to meet your Soulmate - yourself!

Stop accepting the lies and derailment of your Inner Critic. It’s time to tap into your Intuition and take the reins back and cultivate self-trust.

It’s time to detox from harmful shame culture - the patriarchy which tells you you’re too much, and capitalism which tells you you’re not enough. It’s time to work with the cycles and seasons of your life, rather than against them.

It’s time to heal your most important relationship - the one with yourself! You are worthy of creating the most beautiful life you can imagine. You have the power to make it happen, and the world will be a better place once you have come alive.

If you are dreaming of integrating ritual, self-care, and mindfulness into your life - do not wait. Let’s dive in! I can’t wait to witness you as you become your own soulmate. I’m here for you every step of the way, channeling the Divine Feminine love that will hold you!

Big Love,

